The Legacy Society

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The Ave Maria University Legacy Society was created to recognize the incredible generosity of individuals who have elevated AMU to the status of family by including the University in their estate plans.

Some of our earliest donors, known as Founders, have been a part of the AMU family since the University rose from the tomato fields to become a beacon of light in Catholic education. Other donors have come to Our Lady’s town more recently, attracted by the family friendly lifestyle that exists where people of faith live their Catholic values.

Ave Maria University is cited as one of the main reasons people choose the town of Ave Maria. These new residents are afforded the ability to participate in the vision of our founder, Mr. Tom Monaghan, and in our mission of forming men and women in the intellectual and moral virtues of the Catholic faith to transform the world around them.

Ave Maria University Legacy Society membership includes:

  • The opportunity to impact generations of young Catholic leaders in their zeal for Christ
  • Annual Ave Maria Legacy Society event to include induction of new members
  • Invitations to special events with reserved seating
  • Regular communication to include AMU magazine and Wisdom Papers
  • Recognition on the Ave Maria University Legacy Society donor plaque of the Rosary Wall (requests for anonymity are honored)

Bequests, life-income gifts, and IRA and life insurance beneficiary designations qualify for membership in the Ave Maria University Legacy Society.


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